Catastrophic fires prompting some insurers to drop Bay Area homeowners
(too old to reply)
Leroy N. Soetoro
2018-09-02 17:18:09 UTC

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- The devastating fires of last year in the North
Bay, and those since then in Redding and Clear Lake, are having a ripple
effect on homeowners here in the Bay Area. Some are getting notices from
their insurance companies saying their homeowners insurance won't be
renewed due to high fire danger.

For instance, Oakland's Hiller Highlands burned to the ground three
decades ago, in 1991, but the neighborhood hasn't seen anything like it

Still, Hiller resident Fred Perkins received a letter from his insurance
carrier saying his 15-year-old homeowners policy was not being renewed.
The reason: "The property listed poses an unacceptable risk for wildfire."

"I was disappointed," said Perkins, who told us he's learned about a half
dozen of his neighbors received similar notices. "We have an active fire
abatement program going on in this neighborhood and we have an inspection
every year by the fire department, and there's nothing to suggest to me
that this is any more vulnerable than any other location."

According to the California insurance department, non-renewals in areas
with potentially high fire danger have increased in recent years, but the
vast majority of homeowners can still find insurance. Between 2015-16,
they increased 15 percent and that was before last year's devastating
North Bay fires, which cost the insurance industry billions in losses.

Laura Anthony
His neighborhood hasn’t had a fire in 3 decades yet some #Oakland
residents are receiving letters from insurance companies saying their
homeowners insurance won’t be renewed due to fire danger. Now what?

2:22 PM - Aug 29, 2018 · Oakland, CA
See Laura Anthony's other Tweets

"It is a problem, a growing problem," said California Insurance
Commissioner Dave Jones. "One that we have made recommendations to the
legislature to try to get ahead of this problem before it becomes a
crisis, but we're not at a crisis yet."

"The North Bay fires were a $9 billion loss for the industry," said Scott
Halbrook, the owner of Halbrook Insurance, which does a lot of business in
the Oakland Hills.

Halbrook told us while some companies are runinng from the hills, many
others are sticking around -- though often for a price.

"There are options through brokers," explained Halbrook, "where brokers
have maybe six or eight options, or options for a particular property,
depending on the risk. There's a scale to the risk."

If you need help shopping for residential homeowners insurance, visit this

If consumers need help, of any kind, regarding their policies, a claim, or
shopping for insurance, they should call the California Department of
Insurance consumer hotline at 800-927-4357.
Donald J. Trump, 304 electoral votes to 227, defeated compulsive liar in
denial Hillary Rodham Clinton on December 19th, 2016. The clown car
parade of the democrat party ran out of gas and got run over by a Trump

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Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp.

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Obama jobs, the result of ObamaCare. 12-15 working hours a week at minimum
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it is.

Obama increased total debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in the eight
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liberal democrat donors.
2018-09-03 00:08:00 UTC
OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- The devastating fires of last year in the North
Bay, and those since then in Redding and Clear Lake, are having a ripple
effect on homeowners here in the Bay Area. Some are getting notices from
their insurance companies saying their homeowners insurance won't be
renewed due to high fire danger.
If the rich shits can afford to build one McMansion, they can afford to
build another: https://tinyurl.com/y7q9rctt
